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Georgia Boys sponsors Pumpkin Pie Days

Pumpkin Pie Days fall on Oct. 14-15

Pumpkin Pie Days has been a Longmont tradition that began in 1899. While it fell out of favor in the 40s and 50s, it returned in 1969 and has been going strong since. 

Pumpkin Pie Days fall on Oct. 14-15 and will be held at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. Doors will open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Patrons are able to walk through the flea market event and examine the wares of over 70 vendors from around Colorado and beyond. This year Georgia Boys BBQ will host a vendor booth to share samples of its BBQ sauces and hot links in addition to being the sole sponsor of the event. 

“Over the last 12 years, Georgia Boys BBQ has prioritized giving back to the community that has so generously supported the growth of their restaurant. Through sponsorships and donations to charitable causes, the owners of Longmont’s popular BBQ restaurant have helped to support schools, therapeutic facilities, first responders and healthcare professionals, community members in need and various community events,” a news release stated.

Proceeds from the event will support the restoration efforts of Affolter Cabin at Old Mill Park. The cabin is thought to be one of the oldest cabins in Boulder County.